Testimonial by Renee Mullins

Product: Assimilator, FocusUP Capsules, KardiaXyme™, RevitalMind™, X2O
Testimony: Blood sugar levels
For three years I stayed on a low carbohydrate diet, walked over an hour per day, and took supplements in an attempt to keep my fasting blood sugar between 80 to 95. Having had gestational diabetes twice, I was determined to do everything within my power to prevent health problems caused by diabetes. Even with all my efforts, my blood sugar gradually rose to the point I could not keep my fasting blood sugar below 100.
In the summer of 2012, I began using X2O and FocusUP and found my blood sugar stabilize some. Adding Assimilator helped a little more. When I added KardiaXyme, I was finally able to eat some carbohydrates again and maintain my fasting blood sugar within the desired range of 80-95. I still cannot eat a normal diet but a serving of mashed potatoes isn’t going to skyrocket my blood sugar any more.
These products have made a huge difference in preventing the progression of my diabetes! I cannot claim that the Xooma products will cure anything but from my experience, if you are serious about maintaining healthy blood sugar, it is worth a try to see what effects the products will have for you.