Testimonial by Dianne Jackson

Product: X2O
Testimony: Excess weight/ body fat
I am so excited about X2O!
After my last physical, my doctors told me that I was experiencing bone loss and I needed to increase my calcium intake. Taking calcium as directed (3 times a day for better absorption) was not something that I found easy to do. So when I was introduced to X2O I was excited that I could get calcium and magnesium (plus 70+ trace minerals) just by drinking water.
The unexpected benefit from this, however, was the wonderful by-product of weight loss. I have lost 11 pounds and a dress size since I began drinking the X2O water – and I couldn’t be more excited.
I love that the Xooma products are so wonderful! I feel better, have more energy and know that the water is having a significant impact on many levels.