Testimonial by Robert Gay

Country: United States of America
Product: FocusUP Capsules, SilverMAX Gel, X2O
Testimony: Lack of energy, Excess weight/ body fat, Joint pain, Heartburn, GERD, reflux

I used to have a switch in my rear-end that deactivated me whenever I sat down, no energy and unable to stay awake much less concentrate. I was drinking 32 oz. coffee, one after another, to get through the mornings at work. I also could not eat close to bedtime for fear of the food I ate not staying down.

I was introduced to Xooma 2 months ago and had to limp into the water party that afternoon because of the stiffness and inflammation in my knees. I already knew that I needed to be eating more vegetables and drinking alkaline water, but did not want to spend an enormous amount of money on a machine that I did not understand. Needless to say, my wife and I tried the products and almost immediately my pain and swelling in my knees disappeared.

I can now get out in the driveway and play basketball with my son and not worry about stiffness and swelling the next day. After a week of X2O, I noticed that my acid reflux had not bothered me since, even after pepperoni pizza or spicy Mexican food? But the biggest testament that I have for the products is that I worked over two weeks straight in a shutdown situation at the plant with several days lasting 14 and 16 hours and never came close to running out of energy or getting sleepy in the middle of the day. That kill switch in my but has been deactivated. X2O and FocusUP has made a believer in me and I never want to live my life without it ever again, ever!!!!