Testimonial by Charlene McGough

Product: Assimilator, FocusUP Capsules, KardiaXyme™, MetaboWize AM Formula, MetaboWize PM Formula, MetaboWize Protein Shake - Tropical Vanilla/Chocolate, Omega 3/75, SilverMAX Gel, X2O PM capsules, X2O
Testimony: Lack of energy, High cholesterol, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular
I’m happy to share my testimonial with those who hopefully may be dealing with similar issues. I have been using the Xooma products approximately 9 months now. Some of the changes I noticed right away included a change in energy on the X20 and FocusUP. They helped eliminate those mid-afternoon energy crashes and/or naps with sustained energy into the evening, an amazing change for us.
I was introduced to the Xooma products by a friend last summer, and honestly, was very busy going through a house move when I received my little green box…and placed it on a shelf for a period of time. After a few weeks, when I did open the box and read through the info, I thought all of this sounded too good to be true — yet when I started taking the products and experienced the results, they truly have been life changing for me.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia several years ago and dealt with fatigue and muscle pain and “fibro brain fog.” After about 3 weeks on the X2O, I started feeling a positive shift in my energy levels and the pain was gone. For years, my husband and I would have to take mid-afternoon naps as our energy was just zapped. These naps stopped after a month on the X2O. Later I added the FocusUP and my energy was magnified and sustained even more so after adding this product. It also helped with the brain fog and I have become sharper mentally with improved mood.
With a heart attack 3 years ago, I was put on two blood pressure medications. I added the KardiaXyme to my Xooma product regimen and in December 2012, my cardiologist eliminated one blood pressure medication completely and greatly reduced the one I take now, which is at a very low dose as my blood pressure continued to drop. It has remained stable on these products since December 2012.
My most recent and probably most fascinating result is with my cholesterol numbers. A year ago (11/11), my total cholesterol was 288, with my LDL reporting in at 212! Since my Primary care physician has been on a health leave of absence, and my cardiologist refused to do lipid tests after I refused to go on statins (as I was on them 3 months which affected muscle function in my legs and I developed neuropathy/burning in my feet). My doctor said, “I refuse to play your game.” He said “I don’t need a blood test to tell me you need to be on a statin drug.” He continued by saying that he did not believe in my natural supplements and alternative medicine. While very stirred, I remained true to my convictions not to do statins.
I did have my lipids retested 3 weeks ago and the discovery was this: New total cholesterol is 201 and my LDL is 139! That’s down from 288 and 212, respectively! This is A HUGE accomplishment for me, as I have a strong family history of high cholesterol and heart disease. So this is short of a miracle for me as my numbers have not been in this range in years! I absolutely attribute this to being on the Xooma products, specifically X2O, KardiaXyme (KX).
I also have been working hard to eliminate wheat/gluten and have changed my diet in eliminating sugars/grains/white products. I feel being on the MetaboWize program has also helped with cleansing and rebalancing my body overall.
So, that’s my long story and I am SO GRATEFUL for these products and truly feel like they were a Godsend for me. I love the Blast – what I call “pixie” – sticks in my X2O water once a day and actually use this as my “dessert” when I want a treat or have a slight craving for something sweet. And actually, being on the MetaboWize program helps to eliminate those major cravings.
I do not know what I would do without these products and am so thankful to Phyllis Brumit for introducing me to Xooma. I feel the saying: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears” is so relevant here, as I prayed simply to be directed to products, practitioners, modalities that would help restore my health and I did not stop trying nor believing. I truly believe our bodies have the innate ability to heal and regenerate, if given the proper components. We just have to be proactive in discovering that path, while keeping an open mind and praying and trusting for direction and then remain committed to doing it.
I’m so very grateful for these Xooma products and have been searching for years for a Company with great respect and integrity that carries organic, all natural products. I love the fact Xooma truly is on a mission to pave the way to changing the health for many generations. Xooma offers all of this and has been a Godsend for us.
Thank you Xooma for helping to give me my life back!