Testimonial by Jaci Pozdzik

Product: Assimilator, X2O
Testimony: Infection/ weak immune system, Skin problems
I feel like it’s so important to share my AMAZEMENT!!! I have been a member of Xooma and have been halfheartedly taking X2O for approximately 6 weeks. I decided that I was going to kick into taking X2O really “hardcore”.
I have been battling a cyst on my ear for YEARS!!! I have had them cut out; I have taken yeast buster kits liver cleanses… I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on my ear, seriously! And for such a small reason, I wanted to be able to wear my earrings!! So with the intention down deep, I knew this cyst happened because my body isn’t balanced… my pH is totally wrong. I will include that I have had lots of other health issues: I had a hysterectomy last year, hormone issues my whole life, severe allergic reactions, hives, swelling, etc. I know it’s all stemming from bad pH. In my decision, that I desire to wear my earrings to be able to be free of this limitation of health in my life.
I have started taking X2O! After only a week, this cyst that I have had for about 12 years of my life is just about gone! I can wear my earrings and it doesn’t hurt!! The cyst doesn’t react to me wearing my earrings. I am so excited. I know that my system is getting back to when I was healthy… how many years ago? Wow!! I love X2O!!!!!
A NEW STORY: Supporting Calves with X2O (May 2014)
I have been taking in calves from a feedlot that I worked at. These calves are usually in quite rough shape as the cows are not supported with proper “pregnancy” minerals and feed. So calves are sometimes very similar to crack babies when they are born. These mothers are destined for slaughter so they are fed very high protien feed. A few of my calves as I said have been a bit rough as they detox and truly recover. I have been supporting them with X2O.
Yesterday I am not certain but due to some cold wet weather, two of my calves were sick with cold symptoms. Snotty noses, runny eyes, not feeling good at all and they were very lethargic. I ripped open packages of X20 and put it down their throats before I gave them a bottle of milk. Four hours later, they had no runny noses and their eyes were clear — happy babies again.
Then last night I am not sure why one of my calves had a tummy ache, but it was quite bad. She was laying down kicking her stomach and her eyes were rolling back. I gave her more X20 yet it didn’t seem like it was enough. She had no interest in eating and was in so much pain. I listened to my intuition and gave her Assimilator. I have a happy calf again this morning with no more tummy ache!
I want to stress how important it is for these calves at this age. I am not sure if anyone knows this but they only use one stomach until they reach 4 to 5 weeks old. Then they transition to using all 4 of their stomachs. This calf is at this age. So I AM THRILLED that Assimilator worked so well for her this is such a crucial time in their growth and development.