Testimonial by Sue Marstiller

Product: Life's Harmony
Testimony: Inflammation, Skin problems
This is a testimony that is not easy to share publicly, but I would be happy to share the details with other menopausal ladies.
Last summer when I went for my annual physical, I told the doctor that I thought I needed a fungal treatment for severe itching and irritation. She took a look and said that my problem was really “menopausal atrophy” (never had heard that term before and didn’t like the sound, but I had become menopausal about a year earlier). I thought my physical changes were just from weight loss and I thought the doctor was nuts; I couldn’t believe her diagnosis could cause these symptoms. She prescribed estrogen cream which is quite pricey and I had no intention of wasting my money since I didn’t think she was right. For another 7 or 8 months I was miserable while I tried hydrocortisone cream and one OTC fungal product after another.
Totally frustrated and discouraged, one day I noticed the tube of Life’s Harmony that I had bought from Xooma and thought, “Hummm, wonder what happens if I try this topically to the affected area.” I was so desperate that I figured I had nothing to lose.
After just one application, things started improving. I’m almost back to normal, I’d say about 75% or more improved. I am so grateful that I gave it a try. Why is it working? I don’t know and I’d love for someone to enlighten me but there’s no doubt that it’s working. Thank you, Xooma!