Testimonial by Stephen “Bodey” Fox

Country: United States of America
Product: FocusUP Capsules, MetaboWize PM Formula, X2O PM capsules, X2O
Testimony: Lack of energy, Sleeping disorders, Inflammation, Heartburn, GERD, reflux

I had terrible problems with acid re-flux issues. From using extra pillows to even using blocks under the headboard of the bed. Using two extra strength Tums tablets after meals at night and still having terrible sleep patterns! Once drinking only 4 bottles of x2o per day for about 10 days – I then noticed no more problems with spicy, greasy, or sweet foods. No more Tums tablets – no more extra pillows – no more blocks under the bed – no more heartburn – no more waking up choking in the middle of the night! Now over 2 years later – I sleep better than ever and have my life back!

Thank you X20 and Xooma Worldwide. I now take x20 Mineral Complex and and PM MetaboWize at bedtime. Sleep and dream like a teenager again! The Focus Up just takes a person from Black & White to High Def! I enjoy it everyday for mood, mental energy, and alertness to stay on the go in a very healthy way – the fuel for the brain! I find everyone would rather live in High Def if they have the choice! I would not go a day without these products!!!