Testimonial by Marlize Bachfischer

Product: Assimilator, FocusUP Capsules, SilverMAX Gel, X2O PM capsules, X2O
Testimony: Muscle pain, Lack of energy, Excess weight/ body fat, Poor digestion or digestive issues, Headaches, Dehydration, Mobility Issues, Sleeping disorders, Hot flashes, Mood swings, Lack of focus/concentration, Difficulty with memory, High cholesterol, Inflammation, Heartburn, GERD, reflux, Infection/ weak immune system, Skin problems, Water retention
I stepped on a scorpion 17 years ago. By the time they realized that my condition was caused by a scorpion and not a virus, there was very little they could do for me. I had gone in and out of the hospital with tests being done, and I finally called a halt to it. I had water in my lungs, no digestion, was unable to eat for 4 days at a time, and had allergic reactions towards proteins, most veggies, and problems with foods in which the consistency changed once mixed with other foods like breads, tomatoes, cheeses and poultry.
I mostly survived on Chinese and Japanese foods that were imported into our country. Whenever I digest or get a food type into my mouth that my body rejects, I stop breathing! So I am highly allergic to fish, cinnamon, garlic and most proteins now. I had to depend on a Chinese doctor, her treatments and medicines to survive from week to week.
It was at a crucial time in my life when my doctor left the area, and I didn’t have much hope left. It was then that I met up with old friends again, and the solution I had been praying for! I started using the Xtreme X20, and for the first time in years I had energy again. I could eat for the first time in a week, and proper food at that! From having a constant upset tummy, I could now digest foods with Assimilator. And I could sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time. And best of all, I could eat!
Anaphylactic shock – what a killer! I went from having attacks that knocked me down for a week or longer, depending on what I had eaten or inhaled, to now having a recovery period of two days at the most!!!!
I have outlived most of the other reported patients that got stung by a scorpion. From a very slender body build (I trained constantly and also did body building), my weight gain was shocking, as my body did not function properly anymore. It was like having no immune system and no metabolism!
Now, in only a few months, I have dropped 3 dress sizes! I also treat the skin around the sting area with the SilverMax First Aid Gel, and for the first time in years I have no scabbing, or puss bags, or constant red blisters and irritation. I can actually wear shoes, walk bare foot, and sleep at night, without waking up because of a burning and inflamed foot! I am ever grateful to Xooma for X20, and Piet and Rita Volschenk who shared X20 with me!
I am better. It has been five months, and I am still growing stronger! Allergy attacks, anxiety and stress about breathing and eating is getting less. I am able to eat at a restaurant now, choose something different to eat…..most of all, I AM ALIVE! I am not so prone to picking up every virus that comes my way any more, because I have a steadily growing immune system now! Thank you Xooma!