Testimonial by Jeff Conley

Country: United States of America
Product: FocusUP Capsules, MetaboWize Protein Shake - Tropical Vanilla/Chocolate, X2O
Testimony: Excess weight/ body fat, Joint pain, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular, Inflammation

After going to my family physician during Christmas, I was desperate for help. I had been a Xooma Member for approximately 6 months, but I did not know all of the products. I had enjoyed the benefit of X2O and FocusUP, yet I weighed 290 lbs, had been sick several days during the Fall season, and was experiencing continuous arthritic pain in my knees and back. I asked my doctor to prescribe something in addition to the high blood pressure medication, the thyroid medication, and the anti-inflammatory medication that I was already taking. He only said that I should continue with the prescriptions I was taking, change my diet, and he gave me a sample of an enzyme-based product that I could buy over the counter at the Pharmacy. So, I said there has got to be another way.

It was following that meeting that I committed to taking the MetaboWize System to manage my weight and my life. I started with my shipment on January 1st. Today I have lost 50 lbs, coming down to a current weight of 240 lbs. I no longer take blood pressure or thyroid medication. I have regained lean body tissue, enough to diminish the aggravating pain that I had in my knees and back. I eat a healthy breakfast of protein based foods, then a MetaboWize shake at 11:30a.m., a second MetaboWize shake at 3:30p.m., and eat a healthy dinner between 5:30 and 7:00p.m. I have learned to eliminate foods that are disruptive to my system, and eat foods to fuel the fire. I exercise with stretching twice a week.

I am feeling great, energy is constant, and the future is shining brighter each day. I will always rely on Xooma products to keep me healthy, be an example for my family and friends, and help to change the health of a generation!