Testimonial by Doug Nelson

Country: United States of America
Product: Assimilator, Berry Balance, FocusUP Capsules, KardiaXyme™, Omega 3/75, Pet2O, SilverMAX Gel, X2O
Testimony: Lack of energy, Excess weight/ body fat, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular, Heartburn, GERD, reflux

After 6 months of using multiple products I had lost over 25 pounds and 4 pant sizes. I was able to safely get off of my blood pressure medicine as my blood pressure has been right where it should be. I had terrible acid reflux that is now gone and I am off of those meds as well. I have way more energy than I have had since I was a kid. I have noticed that my hair is thicker and my skin is more smooth. As if that isn’t enough, I was also able to finally safely stop taking another prescription that had a ton of side effects and was causing me a lot of problems and even quit smoking after 20+ years. It’s now been almost a year since i started using these products and the weight has stayed off as well as the other benefits have continued. I won’t go a day without using these amazing products as they have totally changed my health and made a huge difference in my life as well as my children’s lives. Thanks Xooma Worldwide for making it easier to take control of my health and the health of those that I care about.