Testimonial by Bill Taylor

Product: Assimilator, FocusUP Capsules, Joint Health, KardiaXyme™, MetaboWize AM Formula, MetaboWize PM Formula, MetaboWize Protein Shake - Tropical Vanilla/Chocolate, SilverMAX Gel, X2O
Testimony: Lack of energy, Excess weight/ body fat, Headaches, Dehydration, Joint pain, Mobility Issues, Sleeping disorders, Mood swings, Lack of focus/concentration, Difficulty with memory, High cholesterol, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular, Inflammation, Heartburn, GERD, reflux, Infection/ weak immune system, Blood sugar levels
I’ve always been very active, as I had been coaching at the college and high school level for nearly 30 years. Having recently retired from that career, I am now attempting to work from home with Internet Marketing. In doing so, my lifestyle has become somewhat sedentary.
Just a little over 3 months ago, I talked to a friend about a few problems that I was experiencing. I was feeling pretty lethargic and wanted to improve my energy level. I was also not sleeping well, with a high stress level and was having a difficult time concentrating and staying on task with my new chosen profession. I knew I wasn’t treating my body right as I was still drinking a lot of coffee and an occasional energy drink that was supposed to last for 5 hours, but mostly just made me a jittery wreck. I rarely drank much water even though I knew about the importance of hydration.
My friend mentioned a couple of products that he was having great success with for similar issues. I am usually pretty skeptical about products that seem to claim to be “the cure” for what might be ailing you. However, I know and trust my friend and thought I would try the X20 and FocusUP he was suggesting.
Within the first half hour of drinking water from my new green bottle with a little bag they call an X20 sachet and a stick of FocusUP, I could literally feel my body begin to energize. I wasn’t paying that much attention to it as I went into my office to work, but later realized I had been working for about two solid hours without deviating from the task at hand. I normally couldn’t sit for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Since that time I have been drinking 8 bottles of water a day, 2 with X20 as suggested and 2 sticks of FocusUP per day. I have never felt better! I am more invigorated and focused on my work.
Then came the unexpected bonuses…over this period of time I have eliminated the Adderall I had been taking for my ADD…I was having headaches, insomnia, and was very irritable and anxious, which I found were all side effects of Adderall. I am much more relaxed and have been exercising more, because I want to and look forward to it. I had slid into depression, but now because of my new found energy level and exercising more, staying on task with work, improved memory…
I feel so much better about myself and the direction I’m going. I’m not saying it “cures” depression, but because of my lifestyle change, I have a much better outlook on life. I am no longer taking the Lipitor and Micardis for my cholesterol and high blood pressure. (Look at the side effects of these medications!)
My goal is to be medication-free. And at this time and at my age of 60, I am. I’ve also added KardiaXyme, SilverMAX and Assimilator to my daily Xooma regimen as these products have greatly enhanced my ability to become completely med-free. I am so glad that my good friend introduced me to the Xooma Worldwide products and his team of friends.