Testimonial by Kevin Stripling

Product: FocusUP Capsules, X2O
Testimony: Muscle pain, Lack of energy, Excess weight/ body fat, Poor digestion or digestive issues, Poor elimination, constipation, Dehydration, Joint pain, Mobility Issues, Sleeping disorders, Mood swings, Lack of focus/concentration, High cholesterol, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular, Inflammation, Heartburn, GERD, reflux, Blood sugar levels, Water retention
I’ve experienced health challenges off and on all of my life. I’ve suffered such things as bronchial asthma (since a child), allergies/hay fever, high blood pressure, borderline diabetic, depression (3 times over lifetime), yo-yo weight losses, obesity, digestive disorders, arthritis (from my early 20’s) and things are progressively changing in my body now that I’m growing older. I saw a video “Fat, sick and nearly dead” (a MUST see). That began the turning point for me, because I knew that is where I was headed. I had to do something to take control of my health. I’ve been researching and studying holistic health and healing since the late 80’s, but I’ve never seemed to be able to remain consistent with any of the regimens that I would discover. The wealth of information that I became exposed to wasn’t yielding the lasting results I was seeking.
Recently I was introduced to Xooma products by some dear friends of mine that have known me from a child growing up in Tulsa, OK. I had reached a place in life that I was open to trying anything that would help me (but at the same time I was skeptical). I tried a couple of the products that I had been given to sample. I promise you that I’ve not been so excited about a product’s results like this for many years.
I started feeling the difference in my body within 2 days of taking the product. I was sold at that moment, and ready to sign up as a distributor of such a wonderful product. I can only imagine how I will feel after continuing with the product over an extended period of time. They are simply AMAZING and I am passionate about sharing these products with others because I KNOW they work.
My life is forever changed for the better, and I want others to experience the same joy I feel, as a result of taking Xooma products! My body is slowly taking a turn for the better, and I’m moving forward to becoming a healthier me!!