Testimonial by Carol Ann Fox

Product: Assimilator, Berry Balance, Ellagic Acid, FocusUP Capsules, KardiaXyme™, Life's Harmony, LifeSource, MetaboWize AM Formula, MetaboWize PM Formula, MetaboWize Protein Shake - Tropical Vanilla/Chocolate, Omega 3/75, SilverMAX Gel, X2O PM capsules, X2O
Testimony: Excess weight/ body fat, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular
I began with XOOMA Worldwide’s excellent products late in 2010. I have had a problem in the past with my thyroid and the treatment for the thyroid problem resulted in a large weight gain that has been a problem for me for over 25 years. I also have had problems regulating blood pressure even on medication. Consuming 4-6 XOOMA bottles of water daily containing the X20 mineral sachets has been a blessing for my body. I have added the FocusUP and the MetaboWize products which include the AM, PM and Assimilator. I also take the Omega 3/75, Berry Balance and the KardiaXyme (for inflammation).
This may sound like a lot but I was able to replace much of what I was already purchasing and now purchase it through “my own store!” I have lost 35 pounds and am so pleased when my blood pressure reads usually a little under “normal”. I am also so pleased to now be consuming the right kind of water in the correct amounts and getting the correct minerals into my body to give it a good chance to keep me healthy and mobile. The protein in the MetaboWize is top quality and, at my age with little exercise, I need to keep the muscle tone that I presently have. I also realize now that once a person reaches the age around 65 it is hard to stay hydrated, even working at it – I am so thankful to have the “right stuff” in the X20 sachet that I can consume daily anywhere I happen to be!
Everyone needs health, and most of us need tax breaks and more income and that is so available with XOOMA Worldwide!