Testimonial by Michele Rogalski

Country: United States of America
Product: Assimilator, FocusUP Capsules, KardiaXyme™, MetaboWize AM Formula, MetaboWize PM Formula, RevitalMind™, SilverMAX Gel, X2O
Testimony: Lack of energy, Excess weight/ body fat, Poor digestion or digestive issues, Poor elimination, constipation, Headaches, Sleeping disorders, Difficulty with memory, Inflammation, Heartburn, GERD, reflux, Infection/ weak immune system

My story is long but I’m hoping it can help even one person. I have a sweet, 9-year-old daughter who has been dealing with chronic abdominal pain and constipation for several years for which the pediatrician recommended Myralax. They had her on it every day for about two years! Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. We ended up on two occasions having x-rays which showed her stool was backed-up.

By the Summer of 2011 her ailments began to multiply. She began having nausea, vomiting, reduced appetite and weight loss (down to 3% body fat), migraines, intensified intestinal cramping leading to pain and loose stools, and ulcers in her mouth. She had been misdiagnosed, undiagnosed, and everything else in between by the pediatricians. After impressing upon her pediatrician that I needed answers “because it had gone on long enough”, she was allergy tested, found to be lactose intolerant, and then referred to DUKE where she was seen by the Chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology. I was thinking I was thrilled to finally be getting some answers!

After an Endoscopy and his evaluation, he diagnosed her with IBS and Acid Reflux and possible Stomach Migraines…I immediately filled the prescription for Omeprazole for the Acid Reflux since the over the counter medications were not working, the prescription for the migraines, and after much deliberation and desperation (on my part) I reluctantly filled the prescription for the Zoloft for the IBS.When the medicines didn’t seem to be helping any of these issues an additional study was ordered. A CT scan revealed that her lower intestines were thickened and narrowed. All of her symptoms pointed to that of Chrone’s Disease.

I was petrified about the next steps! I couldn’t see my baby on steroids or other arsenals of heavy drugs for the rest of her life. I was reading stories where–when Crohn’s gets bad enough, they start removing pieces of intestines and in most severe cases some people end up with colostomy bags! OMG! Sigh. So, I waited and I researched and I waited some more, not knowing where to turn. I knew there had to be a way to fix her problems rather than just masking her symptoms with medications…I just felt it in my soul.

Several weeks had gone by and I didn’t know where to turn. I talked to friends who might have some knowledge about natural remedies. A friend with some knowledge of Holistic Nutrition suggested probiotics and digestive enzymes. I ordered some right away off the internet! It didn’t cure her, but we saw a very slight hint of improvement. So, I thought that maybe I was getting onto the right track at least. I wanted to give that some time.

A few weeks later, in May of 2012, the same friend came to the house with Xooma products. I had never heard of Xooma. We all sat at the kitchen counter and sampled. She shared with me that every sickness and every disease can be linked to a mineral deficiency. Wow! Could this be the answer? Within 2 days of drinking water with the X2O sachets, her acid reflux was gone! So—I placed my first Xooma order for my daughter! I began weaning her off the Myralax.

Within 4 weeks of drinking her water with the X2O her chronic constipation and diarrhea were gone! We were amazed! I was shocked!! We were ALL getting on this stuff! I was privileged to get to talk to two respectable health advisory members from Xooma, Mr. Ken Marsh, and Thomas Weber, N.C., CPT, a Nutritional Advisor, Holistic Researcher from Xooma for more guidance. I was thrilled that through Xooma I could have access to people with decades of such extensive knowledge. Through their recommendations, I got additional tips on how to get an even bigger impact from the X2O by doing power packs, and we added additional Xooma supplements such as Silver Max, Assimilator, and later some Kardiaxyme to her regime. She was improving! It had taken years to get her into the condition she was in; it was going to take some time to get her out of it.

Following another 4 months of using the X2O, her asthma improved and she stopped using her nasal steroids for chronic sinusitis!! Her stomach pain improved but she was not at the finish line yet. We remained on the Zoloft (much to my lack of enthusiasm about it) but it didn’t seem to help. My quest for answers was not complete until she was completely normal. So, we had another follow up study at DUKE. It showed her intestines were completely NORMAL—no thickening or narrowing!! Oh My Gosh! So many answered prayers! Thank you, Xooma!

In August I met another Godsend: my “now” Xooma business partner and former Mr. Universe & Mr. USA, Doyle Washington. He recommended L-Glutamine for a leaky gut. He was “right on”—we could see a difference right away. I was greedy and wanted more results! Around December, 2012, I took her to a Naturopathic Doctor who told me I was on the right track but that I just needed to increase the dosages of the L-Glutamine and probiotics and added Ashwagandha root to her regimen. How ironic that one of Xooma’ products that I know of (Revitalmind)—also contains Ashwagandha which promotes healthy immune function and adaptogenic wellness! Such good stuff! I also began weaning her off the Zoloft.

Within 2 weeks my child gained FOUR pounds!! She is improving every day and we are so relieved and couldn’t be happier and thankful for all of the health professionals, both Xooma and others mentioned, who have guided us on this journey and mission to my daughter’s better health—and all through natural remedies!It has been a long road but I truly believe in healing at the cellular level and not masking symptoms with conventional medications.

I am grateful to have found Xooma when I did and my entire family is benefitting from using the products every day! My fiancé lost 30 pounds with Xooma’s X2O and Metabowize AM’s & PM’s and thinks the X2O has helped his sciatica! He loves FocusUp because it gives him the energy and focus that he needs at his desk job when he gets sleepy and he says there are no jitters or crashing effects. With X2O I have experienced the same improvement with my sciatica, resolved my issue with lifelong cold sores, and my sleeping and energy levels have improved. Revitalmind is my go-to supplement for my brain food! We use the Strawberry Lemonade, Grape, Orange, and new Coconut Blast every day. I love how it gives all of us extra nutrition and how it tastes so good. I stopped buying bottled juices because this is so healthy and doesn’t have all the added sugar. We feel great! The staff and products from Xooma are top-notch and truly a blessing in our lives!