Testimonial by Dave Smith

Country: USA
Product: FocusUP Drink Sticks, FocusUP Capsules, X2O
Testimony: Chronic Pain, Muscle pain, Excess weight/ body fat, Poor digestion or digestive issues, Headaches, Dehydration, Joint pain, Mobility Issues, Sleeping disorders, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular, Inflammation, Heartburn, GERD, reflux, Infection/ weak immune system, Skin problems

Throughout my life I have suffered from a lot of things: migraine headaches; stomach problems/acid reflux; pain in my legs, especially my right knee since I was 15 years old; history of high blood pressure; chronic sinus problems, so that, with each attack I was unable to go to work at least two times a month; insomnia, combined with hacking up regularly through the night.

Now, after starting the X20: migraine headaches are gone; acid reflux has disappeared; leg pain has disappeared; even though there is no blood work done to show reduction of high blood pressure, there is no more numbness and I have QUIT SMOKING!!; chronic sinus problems are gone; insomnia is reduced, and the morning hacking is Gone! AND I’VE LOST 15 LBS!!!

Thank you, Ronnie and Naomi Webb, for coming to Florence (that was my turning point…). And thank you, Anthony, for introducing Xooma to Beth. Thank God for Xooma!

Because of all these wonderful products, I am healthier now in my fifties, than I was even in my early twenties.

Also, because you have the most awesome (Prosperity Plan) that I’ve ever seen, we have had our very first, residual income. We have not missed a check in our mailbox every single week for two and a half years now, just for sharing what these products have done for me and my family.

Thank You Xooma with all my heart, for the products. God blessed you with, to pass along & bless me, my family & the rest of the world!

God Bless,
Thank-You again From Dave Smith & Family (DB & SONS)