Testimonial by Donna Kelly

Product: Assimilator, Berry Balance, Ellagic Acid, FocusUP Capsules, Joint Health, KardiaXyme™, Life's Harmony, MetaboWize AM Formula, MetaboWize PM Formula, MetaboWize Protein Shake - Tropical Vanilla/Chocolate, Nature's Body Cleanse, Omega 3/75, Pet2O, SilverMAX Gel, X2O
Testimony: Muscle pain, Lack of energy, Excess weight/ body fat, Poor digestion or digestive issues, Headaches, Dehydration, Joint pain, Sleeping disorders, Hot flashes, Mood swings, Lack of focus/concentration, High cholesterol, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular, Inflammation, Heartburn, GERD, reflux, Skin problems, Blood sugar levels
In April 2004, Tommie Weber introduced me to the X2O water. My health was in crisis and I didn’t even know it. Going to the doctor regularly brought me only additional symptoms and problems to go along with the medications the doctor kept giving me to “fix” what was wrong with me. After 4 years nothing he did worked. Things just got worse.
The water that Tommie Weber gave me to try, however, did some amazing things: Joint Pain – After 3 days using the X2O I slept through the night for the first time in 18 months with no leg cramps or pain in my wrists from the carpal tunnel I had in both wrists. I was scheduled for surgery and 9 years later, I have never had that surgery and can knit and crochet again. Headaches – Gone after 3 months. Now and then I may get a slight headache and I take 4 Superfoods instead of 2 aspirin or Tylenol. Headaches have disappeared. Seasonal Allergies – Gone after 3 months. Never came back. Acid Reflux – Gone after 30 days and never came back. Weight Loss – I lost 15 pounds in my first 30 days. I KNEW it was the water because I had been doing the Atkins diet for 9 months. I lost 45 pounds but then hit a brick wall for THREE MONTHS with not a single pound lost. I was already drinking 8 glasses of water a day. The ONLY THING I CHANGED was adding the X2O to the water. 30 days later after taking X2O, 15 pounds fell off. I went on to lose a total of 85 pounds. Hot Flashes – I never leave home without my Life’s Harmony cream which turned me human again. High Blood Pressure – After 3 months my doctor stopped my medication. 9 years later I have not had any problems. Diabetes – After 3 months my insurance company REVERSED my diagnosis. I was no longer Diabetic.
I take daily the X2O, Digestive Enzymes, Berry Balance, Omega 3/75, Adult Superfoods, Life’s Harmony, Silver, AM Xtra and the PM Formula for sleep. And I DON’T go to the doctor for advice on how to take care of myself. I have learned over the past 9 years I am my best guru and no one knows my body like I do.
With this product line, things can truly change in our lifetime. We really can “Change the Health of a Generation” and make the lives of our children better. Thank you, Tommie Weber.