Testimonial by Dr. Donna Renfro

Country: United States of America
Product: X2O
Testimony: Muscle pain, Lack of energy, Poor digestion or digestive issues, Headaches, Dehydration, Joint pain, Mobility Issues, Sleeping disorders, Inflammation, Infection/ weak immune system

Dr. Donna Renfro’s X20 Testimony
X20 gave me a life I never thought I would have this side of Heaven. At the time I started drinking X20 water, I had chronic debilitating headaches, and had just been hospitalized due to a debilitating headache which caused me to be paralyzed and blind.

I have over 20 medical genetic disorders including Chiari Brain Malformation and Syringomyelia. After drinking Diet Coke my entire life, I gave it up when I began drinking X20 water.

After just three days, the debilitating head pressure left my body. It was a miracle! Within weeks of drinking X20 water, I didn’t need my walker, cane or leg brace. I went off all my pain medication, muscle relaxers, anti nausea medication, and other medication for brain pressure. I even sold my handicapped home!

Now I walk daily. My legs had atrophied due to years of illness. After four months of walking and drinking X20 water, I had muscles in my legs. My immune system has been phenomenal. Words can’t express how grateful I am for the life I have today! It is a gift to be healthy!!!

Xooma has also given me the ability to help people I love and care about. As people saw the significant improvements that happened in my life, they wanted X20. Now, I am not only healthy, I am helping others.

I am thankful for Charles Ryan, Bodey Fox, and Xooma for reaching out to me, giving me the opportunity to be well, and the opportunity to help others.

Please take time to listen to this 5-minute audio clip of a testimonial I shared on XoomaTV Live to learn what X20 did for me. It was truly a miracle. We serve a faithful God!