Testimonial by Emily Guzman

Country: United States of America
Product: KardiaXyme™, X2O
Testimony: Muscle pain, Excess weight/ body fat

Approximately 3 1/2 years ago I was having muscle pain in the back of my thighs. My legs hurt just to touch them and they felt mushy. When I would go to get in the car, I would have to sit down and literally pick up my legs one by one to put them in the car – and vice verse when I would get out of the car. Upon walking sometimes my leg or legs would act as though I was going to fall from stumbling. It actually took me a year to go to the doctor because I was afraid of them telling me I had MS.

I decided at that time that I would just have to deal with having MS; I knew I had to get help because it was getting worse, and the pain was starting to be totally unbearable. I had already come through the battle of breast cancer, so I mentioned to my oncologist about my legs and he did some tests. After the tests came back, he told me that I basically had a muscle deficiency in my legs. He sent me to a specialist who did not find any nerve damage. So there was nothing they could do except give me pain medication. I didn’t like taking the pain medicine so I just dealt with the pain. When I would get my sons to massage the back of my legs, that only made the pain worse.

Then one day while sitting in the barber shop, a lady came in with a brochure. It had a picture of a fat man on one side and a much smaller man on the other. I asked her, “what is that you have in your hand,” and that began my introduction to Xooma.

I began using Xtreme X20 and I noticed my legs felt better after a couple of weeks. When the new KardiaXyme came out, because I was somewhat familiar with Marine Algae I thought I would give it a try. After the first week my legs began to get stronger – and then after a full month I had no more pain in my legs and they did not feel mushy anymore. I am convinced that I didn’t have a muscle deficiency at all; what I had was some dehydration going on in my body as well as inflammation. Thanks to Xooma and KardiaXyme, my legs are normal and I can actually walk a mile a day.