Testimonial by Paul J Cunningham

Country: United States of America
Product: Assimilator, FocusUP Capsules, KardiaXyme™, LifeSource, MetaboWize AM Formula, MetaboWize PM Formula, MetaboWize Protein Shake - Tropical Vanilla/Chocolate, Nature's Body Cleanse, Omega 3/75, X2O
Testimony: Muscle pain, Poor digestion or digestive issues, Dehydration, High cholesterol, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular, Inflammation, Heartburn, GERD, reflux

It has taken just over a year to see the real benefits of using a variety of Xooma Worldwide’s products. Starting March ’12, my acid reflux was gone within a few weeks because I stopped the acidic diet sodas (40 oz daily) and coffees (50 oz daily). I was using it to hydrate and wash down foods while I worked and played! I replaced it with water, more accurately, Extreme X2O.

I am an air traffic controller and my main source of energy was caffeine, until I started using FocusUP. After stopping the coffee and sodas I thought I would have headaches. No, not one. On occasion, yes, I get one. But not because of caffeine withdrawal. I only take FocusUP now when I need a pick-me-up or motivation to get through a boring task!

I had chronic lower back pain. With the Nature’s Body Cleanse and the MetaboWize program, I have been pain-free. It used to be because of dehydration and my bowels would get packed and dry. Now, with the use of Assimilator and Nature’s Body Cleanse, I am “regular” as I can be and free of discomfort when I void.

I used to have High Blood Pressure, or Hypertension. Now, I am on half of the meds I was on prior to X2O and KardiaXyme. With a few more pounds of fat off my waistline, I will be med-free! That is the ultimate goal for me with Xooma, period.

Now flash forward to April 2013. I picked up running as an exercise while my wife trained for her first half marathon. My hip flexors and “glutes” did not agree with a few hills I trained on and doubled me up in debilitating pain for several days. I tried stretches, ice, heat pads, Ibuprofen and aspirin, and rest for three days to alleviate the aches. All in vain. I tried FocusUP capsules. Within 2 hours I was loosened up, flexible and able to touch my toes again. My muscles had relaxed. Why did I not know it was a great recovery tool? It will become a regular part of my workout routine!! Athletes, you need to experience this!