Testimonial by Nancy Covey

Country: United States of America
Product: Assimilator, KardiaXyme™, MetaboWize AM Formula, MetaboWize PM Formula, MetaboWize Protein Shake - Tropical Vanilla/Chocolate, X2O
Testimony: Muscle pain, Excess weight/ body fat, Blood pressure or other cardiovascular

I have had weight issues since approximately age 12. Just for a reference point, that was in 1959, so [I’m] not quite a spring chicken!

Before January 2011, I had tried close to every type of diet known to mankind, including the prescription drug Phen Phen, a medication that several people died using. I was one of the blessed ones who lived, without any known complications; probably because I hated the way it made me feel and stopped taking it shortly after starting it. As those of you who have weight issues understand, the results of Yo-Yoing through fad diet after fad diet – I lost some, then gained it all back with friends.

In 2010, two children later, a Registered Nursing degree plus 30 years of working in the Traditional Medical world, I reached my top weight of 270 lbs. – on my 5’3″ medium-build body. Thankfully, I hovered there until October 2011 when some Angel friends introduced me to what completely changed my life.

They told me to put a small mineral sachet called “X2O” in my drinking water (which, by the way, was my own well water). I never could see buying bottled water, only in a pinch. I’m also a farmer’s wife, so I’m pretty frugal. And I rarely drank the stuff – water – only as a last resort! My friends said to drink 2 bottles of the mineralized, alkalized water for at least 30 days. So I did!!  Wow, by the end of 30 days, I had dropped 12 lbs. – without counting calories, jogging or any other major life changes other than drinking my 2 bottles of water every day with that X2O sachet inside.

I also began to really learn about Wellness Care instead of “Sick Care,” which is what I wanted all along. I wanted to be healthier instead of on pain medications for my joints and heading to potential knee surgeries, blood pressure medication, and a weight putting me at risk of going to a nursing home in my golden years – or worse, bariatric surgery as my last resort.

During those initial 30 days, I discovered the company that marketed the X2O mineral packets, Xooma, also had other ways to enhance my new weight management protocol. This unique weight management program would also allow me to increase my metabolism without damaging side effects. That brings me to January 2013.

I now weigh 190 lbs. My pant size has decreased from a 22-24 to a 12-14, and I had to go shopping for a new wardrobe (so exciting). But now I know I will never yo-yo diet again; I understand how to manage my weight with “God’s continued Blessings” and his tools, brought to me through Xooma WorldWide. My “Golden Years” look a whole lot brighter and my 130 lb. goal is just around the bend. I expect to attain it by July 2013, as I am now exercising more in addition to managing my weight in a truly healthy way.

Thanks for taking your time to read my story. My prayer is that I can pay this gift forward for others who, like me, really felt I was a lost cause.

Warmly, Nancy