Testimonial by Bill O’Neal

Product: X2O
Testimony: Joint pain
In October of this year I will be 75 years old. I sell and install satellite systems, so it is important that my hands and especially my fingers work correctly. In April of last year they were so wrecked with arthritis pain that I could not assemble dishes and one morning I was unable to lift a glass of water with my right hand.
Denson Taylor and Ronnie Webb had visited me in January 2011, about 5 days after I had prostate surgery. They gave me a month’s supply of X2O and a green Xooma bottle. I used all the product and put the bottle away, thinking it would be a good water bottle. When the arthritis pain struck that morning in April of 2012, I got the bottle down and went to my office to look up Xooma WorldWide’s website. The testimonials convinced me I needed to try the X2O.
I’m glad I did! The arthritis pain is history, my nostrils are no longer clogged in the morning when I wake up, and I have the energy of a man many years younger than 74 years. Thanks Xooma.